PokerStats HD app for iPhone and iPad
PokerStats is your new go-to companion for all poker statistics and bookkeeping needs.
Elegantly designed and intuitive to use, PokerStats makes game-logging a seamless part of your day-to-day game playing experience.
Playing multiple tables online? Playing a live tourney in Vegas? Need to log a house game from 3 months ago? PokerStats has you covered. With PokerStats, youll be able to track all of your poker games, notice patterns, identify personal trends, visualize your bankroll in graph-form and get a quick snapshot of where and how you play best (and worst!).
Some key features of PokerStats include:
* Beautifully designed interface for clean, quick and easy viewing
* Two swap-able display themes (light and dark) to suit your preferences.
* Intuitive interface for adding new games (whether live or previously completed).
* Drop-down status bar (and app icon badge) to remind you of the live games you have running, containing a running clock of play time and quick links to rebuy, end or cancel the game.
* Three main data views: a summary view for a breakdown of all your important totals; a log view to see line-items for every recorded game; a snapshot view for a quick glance at your personal bests and worsts.
* iTunes file sharing compatibility ensures that your logged data is backed up with every sync.
* GameCenter achievements for a little bit of fun, entertainment and motivation.